PF-Pentax Ricoh Imaging for spotting scope camera adapter K Mount-ca35
You looking to find the "PF-Pentax Ricoh Imaging for spotting scope camera adapter K Mount-ca35" Good news! You can purchase PF-Pentax Ricoh Imaging for spotting scope camera adapter K Mount-ca35 with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Price:
PF-Pentax Ricoh Imaging for spotting scope camera adapter K Mount-ca35 Review
I should have purchased this imaging adapter a long time ago. I've been doing prime, eyepiece projection, and afocal projection imaging for many years. Very often, the images come out muddy.The best results have been prime focus but you are limited to fairly low magnification. Eyepiece projection for me usually result in distorted edges where I have to crop the middle of the image. Afocal meanwhile results in too many lenses in the light path so color and contrast get reduced and the image comes our "greyer".
Using the Pentax adapter gives me the best of prime and eyepiece projection photography. My images are as sharp as prime but I get much more magnification. The observed magnification I get seems to be equivalent to a 15mm eyepiece. Should I desire more magnification, I just add a barlow or Televue Powermate.
What is really awesome is because this adapter is designed to go into a 1.25" eyepiece holder, I can use my camera adapter combo on astro scopes as well. Even better, there are now K mount to other camera mount adapters available. So you aren't limited to using Pentax cameras. For example, I'm actually using this with a Sony Alpha Nex 7 camera!
Buy this item if you are into terrestrial or astro photography. This is one of the best $300 spent in a very long time (and I'm a person with Pentax XW/Televue Ethos/Delos eyepieces and focal reducers)
Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "PF-Pentax Ricoh Imaging for spotting scope camera adapter K Mount-ca35" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from PF-Pentax Ricoh Imaging for spotting scope camera adapter K Mount-ca35 ...
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