ASUS A55A-AH51-BU 15.6-Inch LED Laptop ( Blue )
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Product Feature
- Intel Core i5 3210M 2.5 GHz
- 4 GB DDR3
- 750 GB 5400 rpm Hard Drive
- 15.6-Inch Screen
- Windows 8
Product Description
A55A-AH51-BU, Blue, 15.6" HD (1366*768), Intel Core i5-3210M (2.5GHz), 4GB DDR3, Intel GMA HD, 750GB 5400RPM, DL DVD� RW/CD-RW, W8 Home Premium (64bit), 802.11BGN, 0.3M Pixel, 1YR Global/1YR Accidental Damage/30-Day Zero Bright Dot/2-way FREE shipping/24-7 tech support
ASUS A55A-AH51-BU 15.6-Inch LED Laptop ( Blue ) Review
This Asus laptop has to be one of the better valued computers on Amazon. I spent a lot of time looking at the different laptops at various price points and I think that this is one of the more cost-efficient laptops considering the internals that this computer comes with. That being said however, there are a couple flaws with this laptop that other reviewers have pointed out, such as a not-so-perfect keyboard and issues like the computer randomly shutting down.
But first, let's talk about why I think this is a good value. This is one of the few laptops at this price point to contain a 3rd generation i5 processor, which can be considered one of the faster laptop processors as of right now. It's speedy enough to run pretty much anything you throw at it. Graphics-wise, this laptop comes with the standard Intel HD 4000, which isn't a great graphics card, but it's not as bad as most people make it out to be either. Intel has had a history of terrible integrated graphics cards, but the Intel HD 4000 is decent enough to run all low end games, and even more graphically-intensive games at a low setting. All in all, this laptop has enough power to satisfy the average user. If you're a power user, you probably know what you need and wouldn't be reading this review.
It also comes with 4GB of ram. If that's not enough for you, it's easy to buy extra memory for an upgrade. For the tinkerers here, the computer comes with 2 slots, and only one is used, so if you want to upgrade it, all you need to buy is another 4GB stick. This upgrade is relatively simple-two screws under the laptop and you simply slide off the cover and insert your new stick of RAM.
Another great thing about this laptop is the battery life. This laptop actually has a 4+ hour battery life, which is excellent in my opinion considering the size. 15 inch laptops tend to be huge power drainers, and ~4 hours is a lot for a laptop this size. The 750GB hard drive is also more than big enough for most people's needs.
Now, I'll address some of the complaints of the other reviewers as well as some flaws I've noticed. First, there's been a bunch of reviews complaining about the keyboard, specifically the spacebar, and I'm going to have to agree with those reviewers. The spacebar is bad. If you come from any laptop with a normal spacebar, you'll hate this spacebar. It's because the spacebar is very... insensitive. You have to press it pretty hard for it to register, and for touch typists, this is a pretty big pain. I hated it for the first 2-3 weeks, but now I'm more or less used to it (I press a lot harder now). My typing speed definitely drops a bit with this keyboard though. Also I bought this Universal Silicone Keyboard Protector Skin for Laptops Notebooks 15" 15.6" 16" 16.4" 17" 17.1" 17.3" inch which helped out my typing a bit. There were also some reviews complaining about the computer randomly shutting down, and I'll say that this has happened to me once in the 2 months that I've been using this computer (during my first week of use). I'm not exactly what causes this, but it hasn't happened since that first week. Finally there are some complaints regarding the touchpad. In my opinion, though, I think that it's all just a personal preference. The gestures all work fine for me. If they don't work, maybe you can reinstall the drivers.
Some final notes:
The screen is fine. It works, and it's bright enough. It's not super high-resolution, but I personally don't see enough of a difference between a typical 1366x768 screen versus a high-resolution screen to justify spending ~500 dollars more. Anyways, this is a matter of personal preference so I won't comment on it too much in this review. The webcam also works. It's not going to make you look like a super star, but it's good enough for your typical skype chats. It seems like a .9MP webcam, but I can't be sure on that as it doesn't say.
It does come with Windows 8, and it is a lot different from the previous versions. Personally, I'm indifferent towards it. What I did not like though, was that ASUS does install a set of their own bloatware onto the PC, which took a little while to uninstall. Overall however, this is a solid computer for it's price. While the spacebar and some of the glitches might make you question the overall quality, I personally think it's worth it. Of course, not everyone has the same tastes, and if you absolutely cannot handle a bad spacebar or uncertainty in terms of the laptop quality, then look elsewhere.
==UPDATE: 4/30/13==
So I've spent 3 months now with this computer and I'm more or less used to this keyboard now (pretty sure my thumb muscles have gotten stronger from pressing harder on this space bar). Everything's still running great.
==UPDATE: 7/14/13==
I'm updating this because as of this date, it seems that Amazon has ran out of stock and a 3rd party is selling it for $670.00, which I feel is just not a good deal for this laptop. If you're reading this review and still looking for a laptop w/ an Intel processor, there are laptops out now with 4th generation Intel processors (technology moves fast!). I think the 3rd generation processors (including the one in this laptop) is fast enough, but if you really want to stay up to date, then perhaps consider buying a laptop with the newest processor (it's a lot more pricey though).
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